Metamorphosis is about mythology and story using images of animals, constellations and unique material inspired by what each piece is about.
2004 Screen print on water glass 32” x 18 3/4” x 1 3/4”
2003 Etched steel 22 1/2” x 13” x 1 3/4”
2003 Screen print on steel 29” x 18” x 2”
2004 Screen print on glass 24 1/4” x 13” x 3/4”
2003 Acrylic, graphite and screen print on wood 48” x 22” x 1 3/4”
2004 Screen print on airplane aluminum, 46” x 14” x 1”
2003 Cyanotype on paper encased in plexiglass 15" x 17" x 2 3/4”
2004 Screen print on Vermont dirt and wood 30” x 22” x 1 3/4”
Ram-Aries 2004 Screen print on chiffon, plum branches and metal wire 29 1/2” x 15 1/2” x 3/4”
2004 Screen print on cast concrete 26 1/4” x 14” x 1 1/4”
2004 Screen print on cast plaster 26 1/4” x 14” x 1 1/2”
2003 Enamel and oil on wood 12" x 12" x 2 3/4"
2003 Wood, enamel, oil 23" x 13" x 2"
My Friend 2003 Cyanotype on Canvas 15" x 17" x 2"
Double Brown Bear 2003 Screen print, paper and tar on canvas 24" x 24" x 1 3/4"
Chimes of Freedom 2003 Latex and screen print on wood 42" x 11" x 4"
Eagle with 30 2003 Screen print, graphite and acrylic on maple veneer 12" x 13 1/2"
2003 Screen print and oil on maple veneer 13 1/2" x 12"
2003 Screen print, graphite and oil on maple veneer 13 1/2" x 12"
Mariposa 2003 Beeswax crayon on maple veneer 13 1/2" x 12"